Back-to-School Part Two: Getting Organized's featured image

Now that the school year has started, it’s time to organize areas in your home and implement a daily schedule to help the year run smoothly. Here’s how.

  • Lunches – Allocate space in the fridge for school lunches and pack them the night before to make it easier for children to grab them in the morning. Use a small section in your cupboard to house the school lunch containers you use the most for easy accessibility. Instruct children to empty their lunch bags as soon as they get home so you can prepare them for the next day.
  • Front Hall – Assign a hook for each member of the family and have them hang their jackets when they come home from school and work. Designate a cubby and/or bin for each person as well to discard their winter hats, mitts and scarves and for putting away their shoes. This will cut down on the amount of clutter at the front door.
  • Chores – Set up a chore schedule for the new school year. This can include chores such as taking out the garbage, emptying lunch bags, cleaning their room, etc. Make sure you assign chores that are age appropriate and won’t take up too much time. Hang your chore list in the kitchen for all to see.
  • After School – Create homework and bedtime rituals.  Have children complete their homework prior to watching TV or playing games. Prepare children for the next school day by helping them pack their backpack.
  • Clothing – Have you children pick out their outfit for school the night before and make this a regular habit. This will save you time in the morning!