Yummy Summer Berries and Simple Berry Stain Removal Solutions's featured image

When it comes to health, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries and others have a great reputation – and no wonder; they're high in beneficial nutrients and a great source of fibre. Recent studies have shown they may be good for your heart and your bones as well! They're also delicious, on their own, with yogurt or ice cream or in your baking.

The only downside to berries is that they can leave a messy stain – but it's actually not as difficult to remove from clothing as you may think. The cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID provide this easy stain removal solution:

  1. Place the stained garment in the sink.
  2. Boil water and carefully pour it over the stained clothing – the stain should dissolve.
  3. If the stain is stubborn, apply stain remover (a powdered stain remover mixed with water to create a paste) and rub. Rinse out in hot water. Repeat until the stain is gone.

So go ahead, dig out a few baskets, hats, sunglasses and sunscreen and spend a morning or late afternoon picking berries!